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“The only thing that will stop you from fulfilling your dreams is you.”



Established 1990



Welcome to Ya Gotta Believe, our little home on the web!  


Ya Gotta  began in 1990 providing quality  merchandise to the general public.  I chose the name "Ya Gotta Believe" because I have been a NY Mets fan since birth and one of my favorite players of all time was a pitcher on the Mets named Tug McGraw who coined the phrase and it just stuck.  A simple way of thinking, where you believe anything can happen if you believe!!!  Now almost 30 years later our internet business is still going strong (please contact me if you're interested in visiting our retail sites) and Tug's son Tim McGraw is my favorite country singer.  Funny how things happen in life isn't it?


     When I first started Ya Gotta Believe I wanted to build a business that would provide quality merchandise at reasonable prices to as many people as possible.  Well almost 30 years later we are bigger than ever with many new exciting plans and goals.  


     We have sold products to people from every part of the globe.  Our success is due to people just like you who take the time to read these words about a business that wants to be incredibly successful and use that success to help make this world a better place.Having a dream means having a goal or a vision. It also means seeing your hopes fulfilled. Success then, is the realization of your dream. Sometimes people need to be inspired from an outside source. Hopefully you will read something on our site that will inspire you or just make you feel good about yourself and the gift of life you've been given.If you have a dream, you have a passion, a burning desire to see your dream come true.  One of my favorite quotes is, "Do not go where the path may lead, go where there is no path and leave a trail."  The message behind that is simple and is a philosophy I've believed and lived by my whole life.  Dare to be different.  Go where no one has been yet, and you blaze the trail and let people follow you.  My daughter Casey just started a small design company and named it Path and it made me cry when she said she chose the name because I always said that quote around the house and it became her favorite (SHE ONLY HEARD IT A FEW MILLION TIMES IN HER LIFETIME), but she told me she really thought it was the perfect name for her business.  Gotta admit, that started the tears but hearing that confirmed that she gets it!   I must have told my kids this 1000 times that we are all only on this planet for a relatively short period of time so don't waste a second.  Don't listen to the doubters who tell you it can't be done.  No statue was ever built for a doubter.  Instead, do what I believe is the true meaning of "LIVING"....Living life on that edge, the scary edge where dreamers who don't just dream walk.  The edge where dreamers become doers!  So my simple message to you today is....JUST ONCE, DARE TO DREAM!  


     While you work toward the realization of your dream time goes by without noticing, work is something you enjoy doing and you forget the world around you. When you wake up in the morning, it does not matter whether it is a sunny or a rainy day. You see every new day as an opportunity to take you closer to you goal. You should greet every new day as a gift to be treasured!  You should enjoy the now, it's a gift, that's why it's called THE PRESENT after all.   


What other people say or think about your dream becomes irrelevant. You simply know that you’re going in the right direction. Because you’re inspired you feel a constant flow of energy. If you feel this way, you have defined your dream and maybe your destiny. The only other ingredient to fulfill your dream is persistence. So no matter what you want from life, know that you can have it. Don't be afraid to be you, God only made one of you, you're unique.  Join our team of dreamers on this exciting road, actually this path to success and happiness and fulfillment.   We welcome you with open arms.


You can if you think you can. Just remember....YA GOTTA BELIEVE".


 I thank you for stopping by and look very forward to having you join our dream.





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